What are we Selling??

Good Morning!  I’ve got to tell you, I have had slogans, mottos, catchphrases, and mission statements on my mind lately.  It amazes me how much time we devote to every word of our slogans.  There are so many books written on just how to craft your tagline so you gain the most profit.  There are countless sites that pop up on Google as you search for how to create a slogan.  The goal is to get people to buy in wholeheartedly to your motto.  So much so, in fact, that it becomes THEIR motto too. The desire is to create an ever increasing number of people that join the ranks and spread your ideals.  The number of meetings that take place in any organization or business over this topic is astounding to me.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I get it.  Words are powerful, persuasive, and memorable.  If I were to say, “They melt in your mouth, not in your hand.”  You would know exactly what I’m talking about.  If I were to say, “I’m Lovin it.”  You would picture those golden arches right away!  These companies have done a great job of marketing, communicating, and selling us on themselves.  They have programs, processes, and formulas in order to bring more people over to their side.  I’ve got to admit though, that kind of tireless planning on how best to persuade a public to buy what you’re selling makes me tired!  That is why I would make a horrible salesperson.  I wonder sometimes, though, if we as the global church fall into that same thought process?  Do we feel like we have something to sell?  Maybe it’s a thought, a Motto, or an Ideal?  I heard of a pastor who was once asked if he could pray that the weather would be changed for an outdoor tournament.  To this he replied, “I’m not in management, I’m in Sales.”  The story is funny, and yet that statement has been on my mind.  Do we as Christians feel as though we are in sales?  Do we feel like we have a product that we have to promote just right, or that if we create the perfect program people would be more inclined to buy in to what we are selling?  As I was thinking about this I was reminded of a blind man in John 9 who happened to meet someone named Jesus, and his life was changed forever.  This man who had been blind his whole life, could now see!  He was interrogated by the authorities and he didn’t have any beautiful words to persuade them.  He simply told them over and over that he didn’t know the how’s or why’s but what he did know is that he used to be blind and now he can see!  What he knew is that Jesus had changed his life!  Later Jesus talks with him again and asks if he believes, and the man says, “Lord, I believe, and he worshiped Him.”  Jesus’ disciples did not come to this blind man chanting a slogan at him.  They pointed him out to Jesus, and through his interaction with HIM, this man progressed in his understanding of who Jesus really was until he came to believe in Him as Lord!  1 Peter 3:15 says, “In Your hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the HOPE that you have!”  The Answer for the reason of our HOPE, is not a perfectly executed statement of persuasion.  It is not a beautifully put together program.  It is not a formula or a process to buy in to.  It is a PERSON named JESUS CHRIST!!!  Just like that blind man, we too had our vision obscured, but now like 2 Corinthians 3:15-18 tells us, Jesus has taken away the veil from our eyes so we can look into His face.  We can KNOW Him, and as we do we are CHANGED!  We are not changed by a program, a practice, or a procedure.  We are changed by a Person!  By the One and Only Son of God, Jesus Christ!  It is in our pursuit, not of an ideal, or of a group, but of Jesus that we are forever changed.  It is in looking at Him, spending time with Him, learning about Him, and worshiping Him that we can become like Him from “Glory to Glory!!”  Just like that blind man, when we are asked, we can simply tell our story.  We can tell people that we were once blind.  That we were lost, lonely, hurting, broken.  That we too were empty and guilty, but Now We can See, we are whole, and we are free!  We don’t have to know all the how’s and why’s, but what we do know is that Jesus came into our life and WE ARE CHANGED!!!  Even if you can’t explain it or defend it, like a famous theologian, not one person can refute it!  Even if you are not ALL you are going to be, you are not at ALL who you used to be!  Praise Jesus for His Life Saving, Life Changing, Life Giving Love!!  Acts 4:12 tells us, “There is NO other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved!”  Salvation is not about a formula, but about a faith.  It is not about a program, but about a Person, and it is not about what we are selling, but about what has been purchased for us!  This week I encourage us to think about how we view our job as a Christian.  Do we constantly feel as though we are selling something?  Do we feel the need to have a great process or program, or do we want to introduce people to the Great person of Jesus Christ!  He Alone is God and He is ALL we need!

Scripture to Read & Meditate on this week:  John 9, 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Cor. 3:15-18, Acts 4:12, John 17:3

Ashley Possin